Beach Bum in the Big Apple Part 6: Post-post grad

Here we go again. I’m sticking a fishing pole back into the workforce hoping to get a bite. And, I feel like a goddamn loser again. I feel like a bum, minus the beach, because it’s freezing in NYC right now.

Waaah, I know. Who cares. I got my master’s in journalism like I wanted and I’m proud of myself, or something like that. But now I’m mostly just trying to find a job.

It’s funny running into fellow graduates or even just talking to my roommates about the dire job situation we’re all facing. Two of my roommates won’t graduate until May but already know it’s going to be a pain in the ass to find a job after that day comes. We make jokes about selling our bodies for money or moving to Bermuda and hoping for the best. In reality we’re either freelancing articles for free or sitting in at an office and doing work and hoping to get paid.

My friend Mich and I joked about trying to work at Coyote Ugly. Last week me and my friend Meg unwillingly entered a dance contest at a Burlesque show in downtown Manhattan. We lost to a guy who had a comb embedded in his coarse chest hair. If that’s any indication as to what my life would be as a dancer in a bar, maybe I shouldn’t bother with Coyote Ugly. Then again, I’m not completely taking it off my list of hopeful employers.

I can say this though, I’m happy to be in NYC this time around while applying for jobs. I still love it here. I still want to live here. But mostly, I want to work here.

3 Responses to “Beach Bum in the Big Apple Part 6: Post-post grad”
  1. i dunno girl…remember, we DID dance on a bar at Coyote Ugly in Austin…and you were a hit! don’t write off that backup plan so quickly. but i know you’re going to be great, VANE. you will so win the NYC job hunt

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